29 March 2023



A Quick Look of History of Teachnolohy in Education and its Basic Contribution to Language Learning 

    Hi Again! This time I assigned to create a timeline based on advacement of technology in education. A short, timeline which inclueded basic steps in language learning. History of language learning is improving more rapidly day by day and it is very fascinating to witness the process.

    I liked to desing my own (not completely my own, to be honest I used a prototype I liked a lot) timeline using Canva was a nice experience, I feel I get used to use these kind of staff more and more, and I very like ideea of being able use more by the time I graduated to serve in real teaching environment.

    I did not like the there were not such a wide range of knowledge, almost every site I visited and every articles I scannned more or less offered similar facts. I was suggested to check some articles which my teacher imformed but I was unable to reach them as I have not had these materials yet.

    In the end creating a digital timeline was a good improvement in my opinion and if you want to take a closer look of my infographic you can go there clicking here.

22 March 2023

Hi Again!


    Hi all! I returned to post something in my blog again...

    Yes, there is long time you see no post from me, but now I will be posting about educational material and technology integration. I hope it will be good experience both for you and for myself.


Goodbye Friends!             What a wonderful semester! Time passed and this year comes to past just like the other years! I have done lot...