21 January 2022

Video-project Experience!


I will tell the truth; this task has been the hardest one I was asked to do. I did this task with my dear classmate Burak Haşlak (you can see his blog here.) We did not have so much fun while doing this task. Because of the hardness of the task, I did not enjoy doing it. Unfortunately, I could not use or give the same task to my future students. By the way, you can see our product here.

We have done our task with our own video editing programs. Majorly, editing was part of Burak, and I took the responsibility for the script and written works. The good points about our tools are they had no cost (at least for us) and we had no trouble after finishing the task. The bad point about the tools as it was very hard to figure it out. (Fortunately, we finally learned the necessary part we used).

I think the digital story is not bad; however, I will not ever never give my students such a task as homework or out-class task. It is another type of must-be-done-in-classroom task. Because of the hardness (I mean only those who took courses on how to create such things can easily do these tasks without facing any obstacle.) In my opinion, giving such a task to my students might make them take a dislike.

Nevertheless, seeing the final product made both me and my friend happy and relaxed. Completing such a task may lead me to greater success. Yes, it was hard and took so much afford but in the end, everybody (including the fish) was happy.

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