31 May 2023

AR/VR Integration!

Hi Again!

            This time we made our task with augmented reality and more advanced digital tools. I and my classmate Burak worked together to create a in-class material for A2 level worksheet for Prep-class students. (By the way you can check his blog by clicking here.)

            We were tasked with using QR codes and examination required augmented reality. I think we did a good job as we really get used to integrate such materials in our work. But I cannot tell lie that majority of the work has been done by Burak. I have just completed the missing parts and revise our work by the light of the feedback of our instructor.

            Now let me summarize what this “Augmented Reality” is and what actually we integrated it by doing. Augmented reality (AR) adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. We can say for Augmented reality experiences include Snapchat lenses and the game Pokémon Go. Virtual reality (VR) implies a complete immersion experience that shuts out the physical world. So, if we create digital reality and integrate it into real-place and/or real-times, it becomes VR. 

            Lastly, I think I can use AR and VR in my classroom, as it is fun to use and easy to use. If you would like to take a glimpse of our work you can click here.

12 May 2023



Our Flipped Classroom Assignment!

Hi All! Today I am going to present you to a blessing for one of our modern teaching approaches, if you said, "Is it Flipped Classroom Approach?" you make it right! So, let me give some information about flipped classroom then talk about our assignment.

First of all, the flipped learning is one of the methodologies that gives teachers the opportunity to prioritize the learning process of the class by assigning students lecture and investigate the materials and the presentations to be viewed at home or outside of class.

Moreover, this approach offers various advantages such as: 

  • Allows teachers to spend less time introducing new lessons.
  • Allows students to develop their learning skills independently.
  • Allows teachers to create more attractive lessons.
  • Allows students to catch up their classmates.
  • Allows teachers to use the materials they have created before.
  • Allows students to understand the lesson with supports.

I have finished this task with my classmate Burak (you can check his blog here). I personally find easy to complete this task as it is not complicated as corpus project. What we did well are: We organized quickly and found the concept we would like to work on. What the things are challenged us are: We may create more professional work (but we do not have access to premium tools sadly) and we may get feedback from our instructor.

You can check our video by clicking here and our hand-out from here.


Goodbye Friends!             What a wonderful semester! Time passed and this year comes to past just like the other years! I have done lot...