22 June 2023

WebQuest Experience


Our WebQuest Experience!

            Hi All! I hope you are doing well! I am here with my last assignment this semester. And this time, I and my classmate Burak created a WebQuest for you. As you wonder what it is a WebQuest, here the description comes: A WebQuest is an online learning activity where students follow a structured inquiry process to explore a specific topic using internet resources. It typically involves tasks, resources, and evaluation criteria, fostering critical thinking and collaborative skills.

            While we are creating this masterpiece our reference has been “Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü”’s “Hazırlık İngilizce” which is one of the interactive coursebook it offers. In that book there are units, and we chose unit 14 “Travel”. We created our WebQuest in the theme of traveling, and our work mainly focuses on exploring. We used Zunal for our WebQuest.

            As I mentioned before, this was a pair work, and I and Burak created same WebQuest with different blogpost. (You can see his post by clicking here.) Also, you can see our work by clicking here. When it comes to write about our process, it was getting easier and easier. As we get aware of how we can complete our task more fluid and organized, I have not faced crucial difficulties during creating this task. Our strength is we did everything according to rules we had given. And our weakness is we might spend so much time on details. Overall, it was an enjoyable task, and if I had the chance, I would use WebQuest in my class.

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Goodbye Friends!             What a wonderful semester! Time passed and this year comes to past just like the other years! I have done lot...