21 January 2022

Video-project Experience!


I will tell the truth; this task has been the hardest one I was asked to do. I did this task with my dear classmate Burak Haşlak (you can see his blog here.) We did not have so much fun while doing this task. Because of the hardness of the task, I did not enjoy doing it. Unfortunately, I could not use or give the same task to my future students. By the way, you can see our product here.

We have done our task with our own video editing programs. Majorly, editing was part of Burak, and I took the responsibility for the script and written works. The good points about our tools are they had no cost (at least for us) and we had no trouble after finishing the task. The bad point about the tools as it was very hard to figure it out. (Fortunately, we finally learned the necessary part we used).

I think the digital story is not bad; however, I will not ever never give my students such a task as homework or out-class task. It is another type of must-be-done-in-classroom task. Because of the hardness (I mean only those who took courses on how to create such things can easily do these tasks without facing any obstacle.) In my opinion, giving such a task to my students might make them take a dislike.

Nevertheless, seeing the final product made both me and my friend happy and relaxed. Completing such a task may lead me to greater success. Yes, it was hard and took so much afford but in the end, everybody (including the fish) was happy.

A Nice Year!


    The course “Educational Technologies” which I had was a good experience. I had a lot of fun during courses, assignments sometimes could be exhausting though. I learned so many things and materials/instruments, and I am sure that I will benefit from all of them.

    I first thought that integration the technology in language learning is not so needed. My thoughts are not changed because I still think that the efficiency of teachers is much more important than the technological improvement s/he uses. However, I think both the teachers and learners still need to adapt themselves to technological advancements in case of catching the requirements of this age.

The task I most liked was creating an “About Me” page. Because I lack self-confidence and am too introverted to explain myself, creating a blog about myself and adding a page completely “About Me” helps me to get over this feeling. I continue to be shy, but this course might be the first step to overcome my unpleasant habit.

I have some suggestions for this course. If I were the instructor giving this course, I prefer getting my students to create the task in school instead of giving them these as homework. I think it is important that seeing all steps is vital, as doing them as homework can cause some missed steps to occur. Even if the time limitation does not let me get my students to do their tasks in the classroom, maybe I would choose to decrease the number of assignments. But I wish I had more courses like this, and I would have taken this course as a continuant one like “Educational Technologies I and II”. Lastly, I would like to thank my teacher and all my readers. See you again!

12 January 2022

My Infographic Project!

                                             My Infographic Project

    And this time I was given a task that I create an infographic. If I had to summarize what an infographic is, it is abundant with images and visual, effective, and attractive. Infographics are for as the name tells us giving information. The way of providing the information is like a poster something about the topic written on it and the receivers are acquiring the information they need. It can also easily draw attention, so curious readers can learn something from it.

    I use Canva for this assignment. It was fun but I think I will not suggest such a thing to my students. Because it is more suitable for those already interested in creating advertisements or such online works. It can be hard for students, and it was already hard for me. Nonetheless, I have done my work well and you can check my work here. 

05 January 2022

My Poster Project

Poster Project!

    Hi again! This time I was asked for creating an online poster for a book I read before. The task was what if a movie shot about that book and you were supposed to create a poster for it, what would it be?

    This time task was easy. Most probably because I have already known what I would like to see. As a fan of the Lord of the Rings universe, of course, it would be from there. Besides this, the book named “Silmarillion” deserves a perfect movie, so I chose to create a poster for it.

    You can check, examine, and make recommend my poster from here. Actually, I quickly did this job. Even I could spend much more time on this assignment, it is still a good work as I did it voluntarily.

    The answer to the question that whether I use this kind of project or not is unfortunately I will not because without any passion or profession preparing a poster cannot meet its full potential. Yes, I said I enjoyed it while I was working on it, but it would be just for fun purposes, so it cannot use for educational aims. Making something useful for teaching should be more complicated.


Goodbye Friends!             What a wonderful semester! Time passed and this year comes to past just like the other years! I have done lot...